Eine Erasmus Praktikantin berichtet:
„I am Meryem Zehra Dimlioglu. I am 21 years old. I study Speech and Language Therapy (Logopädie) in Turkey at Hacettepe University. 1 pay attention to my lectures and I care about gaining experiences. Previously, I did observation internships at Hacettepe University Hospital, at a local kindergarten, at an Alzheimer Center and at a Speech&Language Therapy Center. For this summer 1 was fortunate enough to be accepted as an intern to Sprachnetz Logopädische Praxis for my summer internship. During my time here at Sprachnetz, I get to observe therapy sessions held by experienced Speech and Language Therapists. I learn a lot from their profi‘esional and warm approach to the patients. I believe the experiences I gain here will guide me through the years ahead of me.“